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Friday, November 12, 2004

For those who believe we didn't really lose

I have a story to relate to you. I just remembered how important this story is in my understanding of where we are as a nation, so I want to share with everyone.

Last spring, I was taking a Biology course in Oakland, CA. Oakland is not, by any consideration a bastion of conservatism. The last week of school, it finally came to that day that everyone dreads. It was the day we had to discuss evolution.

Hats off to the professor who handled the situation extremely well, perhaps better than I have ever seen it handled. He is a devout Christian and a microcellular biologist. He wanted to have a discussion regarding people's beliefs. He laid the ground rules and saw them enforced quite well. Everyone would be able to state what they believe, without insulting or attacking or questioning anybody else, and we would go around the room.

He decided to split us up. The people who believed in creationism on one side of the room, and the people for evolution on the other side. In the middle, people who were not sure. Mostly the people in the middle were shy. As the class of 50 split up, each to their side, I realized, in a fit of cold sweat, that I was completely alone on the evolution side.

Somehow the entire young population of this Biology course had been co-opted by the religious right, brainwashed with their hyperbole and propaganda. I don't understand how this could have happened. People, in college, in a Biology course, denying the basic premise of life, pretending a greater meaning exists. Not to sound fatalist, but that is so quaint.

So when nearly 100% of the biology students in college in liberal Oakland, CA tend to be very religious, is it really such a stretch to believe 51% of our country would chose religion over logic? The two are antithetical. If you believe logic, you can't believe religion. If you believe religion, you have denounced logic.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Fuck you, Dr. Bob Jones III

Letter from Dr. Bob Jones III

When you have your own university, can you just randomly assign yourself acredations?

Here is the best quote so far about the election:

"Don't equivocate. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ. Honor the Lord, and He will honor you."

I'm sorry, but FUCK YOU. I don't frequently use foul language in writing, in fact this is the first profanity on this site. But, in this case, its appropriate. I'll kick your ass, bitch.

To quote Salon.com, "Exactly which Democrat hates Jesus?"

Wait, it gets better.

"...exercise forceful leadership with the Congress in passing legislation that is defined by biblical norm regarding the family, sexuality, sanctity of life, religious freedom, freedom of speech, and limited government. You have four years a brief time only to leave an imprint for righteousness upon this nation that brings with it the blessings of Almighty God."

Yay! Change our country and our constitution to be more like a theocracy! That's what we need! We need to implement religious law. We haven't killed any heretics in years!

I say that with a glint of humor, but, um, you know they are starting to get loud enough that soon we will be seeing this in the courts. After Jimmy Swaggart's threat to kill any man who looked at him lustfully, I believe we will be seeing God telling people to commit a lot of crimes. Even my own brother has committed crimes in the name of God. "I'm not drinking and driving, I'm doing God's work" ...after drinking with his rabbi?

Anyhow, I'm afraid that commentary like that of Dr. Jones and Ms. Swaggart will only inflame the stupid Democrats to take more religion into their party. Hello, Mr. Democrat, please realize that you will only ailenate the irreligious, Muslim, Hindi, Jewish, Animist, and Shamanist vote. And, you will never convert the people who vote Republican on religious principles to vote Democrat. They currently are saying Kerry hates Jesus. I seem to remember him being a pretty reliable and devout Catholic. Oh, wait, perhaps Catholics hate Jesus too? My dad claims they do.

Or perhaps the Democrats should take an anti-abortion stance instead of pro-choice? Uh, well that would be great, as so many anti-abortion people are beating down the doors, just trying to be democrats. They love people in the inner cities, right? Remember, nearly 48% of this country supports a woman's right to choose, and nearly 48% oppose a woman's right to choose. Of those 48%, you could pick up perhaps 3%, but in so doing, you loose 48%. Please choose carefully. Keep religion, woman's bodies, euthanasia, and the death penalty out of the political system. Or, at the very least, be consistant on your support. Either irrevocably support murder, or oppose it. Quit flip-floping like the Republicans. They believe in executing the retarded, as long as they are already born. They believe in killing people who commit crimes, but not letting them take their own life.

Wait, how did I get started? Where did this come from? Oh, right, Fuck you, Dr. Jones, fuck you.

MoveOn.org: Investigate the Vote

I reiterate, I do not believe the election was fraudulent, nor would any outcome be changed by carefully counting the votes and addressing the inconsistancies. I just would like to make sure every vote is counted. Please, take the time to sign this petition.

MoveOn.org: Investigate the Vote

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The rich, sweet smell of irony

Take Back America

Right here on my own blog. Here, of all places. The Republicans are advertising with Google, and somehow it picked them up and put them in my page. Republicans, advertising on my blog. Wow.

Anyhow, everyone remember to click on my Google ads, because every click you take is a dime out of their pockets. (P.S. and into mine!)

The sweet smell of irony

Better news, from my vantage

purple_america_2004.gif (GIF Image, 1600x1109 pixels) - Scaled (54%)

This map shows the difference between the much reported "All Red" map which conservatives are using to say they are taking over. This is clearly not the case. Once can clearly see that it is not just the places with colleges and cities and wealth that vote Democratic, its nearly everywhere except the heartland.

Ok I'm sure everyone has seen
this report outlining the moocher states. It is truly worse than we even report. States like West Virginia and Kansas are literally completely insolvent without federal subsidies. Those subsidies, where do they originate? New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, cities that give more than they receive by a large margin.

Remember, Galveston got 10x the Homeland Security funding Los Angeles did, even though Port of Los Angeles is by far the largest port on the continent and it brings in nearly more cargo than every other port in the country combined. (less Boston, NYC/NJ, and Baltimore).
The people in the heartland are fighting for their free subsidies, while they complain about Mexicans receiving medical care in Arizona and California, and about African American women receiving federal subsidies to feed their children in Chicago and New York city.

Read the federal
budget. Tell me what you see about the gaping difference between farmer aid and aid to dependent children. Farmers cost us more annually to NOT FARM than our social services. I don't honestly believe in a free ride for anyone, however I am much more positively inclined to poor people in the inner cities than I am to farmers. In poor neighborhoods, you get your car stolen. In red states, you get lynched or your country stolen.

Can I be more clear? End farm subsidies now.

BTW, for those enjoying the map, notice a nice pattern? Especially the western states. Even Montana, which voted overwhelmingly for Bush, has purple an blue. Colorado and Arizona can be very easily changed.

And one last point, a reiteration. These red state dwellers who complain about our morals and our ways and discuss the nobility of ignorance and "American Values" are the very same people that take our money.

Ignorance has no nobility. Educate yourselves, educate your children. Get a job, and quit sucking my tax dollars and insulting and inconvienance me at the same time.

Holy Rednecks Batman! Jesus speaks through the Republicans!

mcall.com - Jesus speaks through the Republicans

This could be ironic and the person is actually a libdem. But that kinda sounds like he is one of the "Silent Majority" liberals have believed in ... we would like to believe they are not crazy rednecks, but ... it's just not true.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead, the Wicked Witch is Dead!

Attorney General Ashcroft Resigns (washingtonpost.com)

Ok, well not dead, but it looks like we have a chance for a brighter future in the next term. Thankfully. No more Ashcroft (official), and perhaps Rumsfield, Rice, and Powell as well. I love Colin Powell, but he has not been strong enough in this administration to serve any purpose, other than the token tolerant republican.

This bipartisan unity thing is off to a good start.

Monday, November 08, 2004

New Voters Project: We Did It! What's Next?

We registered, we made it to the polls and we voted!

The numbers speak for themselves: 51.6 % of young people (age 18 to 29) voted this year - in 2000, 42.3% voted. Our share of the total electorate increased as well. This year 18.4% of everyone who voted was 18 to 29, in 2000 our age group was 16.8% of all voters.

Thank you to all of you. Whether you simply registered and voted, or you put up posters, drove friends to the polls, called up other young voters, or knocked on doors, your efforts have made them pay attention to us.

We know, however, that Election Day wasn't perfect for everyone. Tell us what happened to you.

If you were told that you weren't registered, if poll workers insisted that you didn't have the right I.D., if you never received an absentee ballot that you requested, or you had any other problems voting or registering to vote, tell us about it. Click here!

Now that we've got their attention, we need to do something with it. Stay involved and use your voice. The state PIRGs, one of our founding organizations, will be in touch in the future to let you know about opportunities to stay involved in issues that affect people our age.

Thank you again!


Kevin Boxer

Internet Organizer,

New Voters Project

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Map of Red and Blue counties

A very interesting map showing how each country in the US voted. Interesting. Very interesting.
