Fuck you, Dr. Bob Jones III
Letter from Dr. Bob Jones III
When you have your own university, can you just randomly assign yourself acredations?
Here is the best quote so far about the election:
"Don't equivocate. Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ. Honor the Lord, and He will honor you."
I'm sorry, but FUCK YOU. I don't frequently use foul language in writing, in fact this is the first profanity on this site. But, in this case, its appropriate. I'll kick your ass, bitch.
To quote Salon.com, "Exactly which Democrat hates Jesus?"
Wait, it gets better.
"...exercise forceful leadership with the Congress in passing legislation that is defined by biblical norm regarding the family, sexuality, sanctity of life, religious freedom, freedom of speech, and limited government. You have four years a brief time only to leave an imprint for righteousness upon this nation that brings with it the blessings of Almighty God."
Yay! Change our country and our constitution to be more like a theocracy! That's what we need! We need to implement religious law. We haven't killed any heretics in years!
I say that with a glint of humor, but, um, you know they are starting to get loud enough that soon we will be seeing this in the courts. After Jimmy Swaggart's threat to kill any man who looked at him lustfully, I believe we will be seeing God telling people to commit a lot of crimes. Even my own brother has committed crimes in the name of God. "I'm not drinking and driving, I'm doing God's work" ...after drinking with his rabbi?
Anyhow, I'm afraid that commentary like that of Dr. Jones and Ms. Swaggart will only inflame the stupid Democrats to take more religion into their party. Hello, Mr. Democrat, please realize that you will only ailenate the irreligious, Muslim, Hindi, Jewish, Animist, and Shamanist vote. And, you will never convert the people who vote Republican on religious principles to vote Democrat. They currently are saying Kerry hates Jesus. I seem to remember him being a pretty reliable and devout Catholic. Oh, wait, perhaps Catholics hate Jesus too? My dad claims they do.
Or perhaps the Democrats should take an anti-abortion stance instead of pro-choice? Uh, well that would be great, as so many anti-abortion people are beating down the doors, just trying to be democrats. They love people in the inner cities, right? Remember, nearly 48% of this country supports a woman's right to choose, and nearly 48% oppose a woman's right to choose. Of those 48%, you could pick up perhaps 3%, but in so doing, you loose 48%. Please choose carefully. Keep religion, woman's bodies, euthanasia, and the death penalty out of the political system. Or, at the very least, be consistant on your support. Either irrevocably support murder, or oppose it. Quit flip-floping like the Republicans. They believe in executing the retarded, as long as they are already born. They believe in killing people who commit crimes, but not letting them take their own life.
Wait, how did I get started? Where did this come from? Oh, right, Fuck you, Dr. Jones, fuck you.
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