"Attack on Iran Still and Option"
"A free world cannot allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon; not just the US, but those of us who value freedom” Bush told CBS television in an interview.
See, the US speaks for the free world, because the cat has their tongue. And perhaps more importantly, the Free World only wants states of which the US approves to have nuclear weapons. Say for instance, Pakistan or Israel. The Free World really wants Pakistan and Israel to have nuclear weapons. What's that you say? What about North Korea? Oh, well they HAVE a nuclear weapon, so its too late for them.
Wait, point #2, lets reconcile this with last week's Pentagon report (or for those for whom theChristiann Science Monitor is too "Liberal" how about Fox News) How can the military be, at the same time, stretched too thin by the overthrow of two smallcountriess (Iraq 26 million people and Afghanistan, 29 million people) ... both of which were crippled by sanctions and outdated cold-war era US weapons (yes, we sold them both the weapons they used against us, although, in fairness Iraq had MiGs -- which they donated to Iran before the invasion) ... and be ready to invade a (possibly) nuclear state with over 68 million people with a modern military and infrastructure? Honestly, I see our asses being handed to us.
But, it would fulfill the Christian Armageddon prophecy in which nuclear holocaust ensues after the combined armies of Russia and China are defeated by the sole army of Israel after the United States and Israel launch nuclear attack on (insert convienant Islamic nation Iraq, sometimes Syria, currently Iran). In this attack, all the Jews who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will perish along with the sinners and infidel Muslims.
You know, there are those who are working to replant the Cedars of Lebanon to regrow the necessary wood to rebuild the Temple of God in Jerusalem to begin Armageddon. What's this about a self-fufilling prophecy?
Anyhow, yeah, this is weird. Impeach him now. Before its too late.
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