I hate any senator who does not support Russ Feingold
First, I'd like to welcome the senator to the "Eugene McCarthy, speaking the blatant, plain truth, and being called radical by the Washington entrenchment" club. Senator Feingold, you have my support. But I know, that isn't enough, you need the support of your peers. The peers who are just too weak to stand up to lies and corruption.
Asked at a news conference whether he would vote for the censure resolution, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., declined to endorse it and said he hadn't read it.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., said he had not read it either and wasn't inclined simply to scold the president.
"I'd prefer to see us solve the problem," Lieberman told reporters.
Across the Capitol, reaction was similar. Feingold's censure resolution drew empathy but no outright support from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Pelosi "understands Senator Feingold's frustration that the facts about the NSA domestic surveillance program have not been disclosed appropriately to Congress," her office said in a statement. "Both the House and the Senate must fully investigate the program and assign responsibility for any laws that may have been broken."
Bollocks. They can't investigate because the republicans on the committee to decide whether or not to investigate voted against it. Anyone who does not support this action simply hates the checks and balances built into the constitution. Its much easier to sit back and be complaisant. I'll do whatever the emperor wants.
This reminds me quite a bit of when we carried 50,000 signatures to Barbara Boxer's office asking her to censure the president for lying about pre-war intelligence. The senator responded it was a delicate subject in an election year. That's a great response to a public call for action. "Senator what are you going to do about 50,000 of your constituents who are upset that the President lied to start a war?" "Uh, I think I'll help him get re-elected -- Democrats can't be trusted to make decisions about intelligence"
I hope, genuinely hope, that these democrats who are falling down all over themselves to lay down and get out of the way find out that the voters do not like the DINO (democrat in name only) politicians, and want to see serious action. Tom Daschle learned that. I think Boxer and Feinstein may learn that in the next cycles. I certainly hope neo-con-con-democrat Lieberman learns as well.
Feingold's resolution accuses Bush of violating the Constitution and the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.