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Monday, January 30, 2006

Will he never learn? No, you say, I think you are right

The rumor going around in Judiciary Committee circles late last week was that Senator Kerry’s decision to filibuster was staff-driven. Speculation focused in one staff member in particular: Mirah Horowitz, one of Kerry’s chief legal advisors. Horowitz is a liberal lawyer and blonde braniac who previously clerked for Justice Stephen Breyer, before joining a decidedly less successful enterprise — the Kerry presidential campaign.

Um. Um. Ok, let's do this.

What was one of the great smears of the last campaign? What do we all remember about John Kerry? FLIP FLOP. He was for the war and then he's against it. blah blah.

Where did that impression come from? Well according to the behind-the-scenes Newsweek article (sorry, no link, I'm lazy today) from the week after Nov 2, 2004, the problem was created because Kerry listened to the advice of his staffers and campaign people, many of whom had conflicting opinions. And now this.

1) John Kerry is an idiot. Yes, I'm bitter that after I worked months on his campaign (really, against my will, I wanted Dean) he didn't even wait for the last poll to close in Ohio (voting irregularity) before conceding defeat. But that's not the point here. The point is he's an idiot.

2) Yes, political suicide is good, and we needed someone to say "Filibuster" but it would have been better had it come from someone with credibility. Kerry has zero.

3) There is no way, unfortunately, to block Alito at this point. The best thing to do is hope he and Scalia take to eating a high-fat, high-carbohydrate, high-salt diet and the next president (i.e. NOT John Kerry) will appoint Michael Moore and Al Franken to the court to replace them. I beleive both have significantly higher chance of attaining judicial independence then the Cheneyites.


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