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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Better news, from my vantage

purple_america_2004.gif (GIF Image, 1600x1109 pixels) - Scaled (54%)

This map shows the difference between the much reported "All Red" map which conservatives are using to say they are taking over. This is clearly not the case. Once can clearly see that it is not just the places with colleges and cities and wealth that vote Democratic, its nearly everywhere except the heartland.

Ok I'm sure everyone has seen
this report outlining the moocher states. It is truly worse than we even report. States like West Virginia and Kansas are literally completely insolvent without federal subsidies. Those subsidies, where do they originate? New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, cities that give more than they receive by a large margin.

Remember, Galveston got 10x the Homeland Security funding Los Angeles did, even though Port of Los Angeles is by far the largest port on the continent and it brings in nearly more cargo than every other port in the country combined. (less Boston, NYC/NJ, and Baltimore).
The people in the heartland are fighting for their free subsidies, while they complain about Mexicans receiving medical care in Arizona and California, and about African American women receiving federal subsidies to feed their children in Chicago and New York city.

Read the federal
budget. Tell me what you see about the gaping difference between farmer aid and aid to dependent children. Farmers cost us more annually to NOT FARM than our social services. I don't honestly believe in a free ride for anyone, however I am much more positively inclined to poor people in the inner cities than I am to farmers. In poor neighborhoods, you get your car stolen. In red states, you get lynched or your country stolen.

Can I be more clear? End farm subsidies now.

BTW, for those enjoying the map, notice a nice pattern? Especially the western states. Even Montana, which voted overwhelmingly for Bush, has purple an blue. Colorado and Arizona can be very easily changed.

And one last point, a reiteration. These red state dwellers who complain about our morals and our ways and discuss the nobility of ignorance and "American Values" are the very same people that take our money.

Ignorance has no nobility. Educate yourselves, educate your children. Get a job, and quit sucking my tax dollars and insulting and inconvienance me at the same time.


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