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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Roberts part one

Listening to him speak, the calm voice, the well articulated points, the concise wordings and the overall fact that he is able to remember fact after fact about memos and issues (even down to the section number of laws referenced in said memos) from a quarter of a century ago and discuss them clearly. I am GENUINELY impressed with this man. His answers are solid and on point. He is calm in the face of aggressive and downright mean questioning, he is strong and collected.

He seems to this blogger like the physical embodiment of the perfect justice.


His voice says one thing, while his eyes say I AM THE POWERS OF EVIL AND I WANT TO DESTROY YOU. He SOUNDS like the physical embodiment of justice perfection, but HE LOOKS LIKE A SITH LORD.

... and knowing how this appointment process goes, it is this blogger's guess that he actually is a sith lord and the world as we know it is about to be changed, not for the better.

But I could be wrong and he could be the secret plant and turn out to be an Earl Warren and undo twenty years of conservative thought.