Josh Marshall is on a roll
Apparently, this is a good day for TPM.
Good stuff! Holding Republicans to account violates their rights.
You have to love this. Three and a half years ago members of the New Hampshire state Republican party, the Republican National Committee and others entered into a criminal conspiracy to disrupt Democratic get-out-the-vote activities on election day.
That's not just me using that language. Two of conspirators pled guilty. Another, a then-employee of the Republican National Committee, was just convicted on two counts stemming from the scheme. For almost two years now, the state Democratic party has been pursuing a suit against the state party seeking redress and, mainly, to find out what really happened since at the beginning the Justice Department wasn't seriously pursuing the case.
Now, in recently filed court papers, the Republican State CommitteeÂs attorney, Ovide Lamontagne, is claiming that the Dems' suit is "in attempt to use the court system to interfere with the (GOPs) constitutionally protected election activities." There's a certain amount of sense to this, I suppose, since the Republican party, in its current incarnation, does seem to rely heavily on law-breaking as an electoral tool. Still, I've never heard it alleged that such criminality is constitutionally protected.
I don't know how to make the links come from his blog to my blog using blogger. But I suggest everyone go to TPM and follow the links if you are in need of verification. We bloggers, unlike the pundits believeve in verification of facts.
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