Block the nomination of Samuel Alito
I have faith the Democrats (this is rare) and the moderate Republicans will do the right thing and block this man. I supported Roberts (although those eyes). Block I say.
Senators Collins, Dole, Domenici, Frist (?!), Jeffords, McCain, Santourm, Snowe, and Spector please do what's right for your country, not the party line.
Oh, and while you are at it, ever consider forming a new centrist party along with the 5 or 6 Democrats who aren't super flaky? (Bingaman, Bird, Clinton, Corzine, Feingold, Leahy, Levin, Obama, Reid, Rockefeller, Salazar, Schumer -- Hmm, there are more than I remember -- now I understand why I find myself preferring the Dems)
Remember: The real story here is Abramoff. Don't let this Alito thing get in the way as Time magazine suggests may happen if the spin folk get busy
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