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Friday, November 19, 2004

Blogs for Bush: Comment on Kerry 2008?

Blogs for Bush: Comment on Kerry 2008?

Let's go ahead and put this to rest.

John Kerry, if you are reading this. And I imagine you aren't, but please, please don't run in 2008. Don't even consider it.

You were unable to leverage a heavily divided nation against an unpopular president that even his supporters believed was taking the country in the wrong direction.

A poor economy, a dangerous social policy, 3 retiring or dying Supreme Court justices, an unpopular, unsuccessful war in Iraq, an unsuccessful war in Afghanistan, unprecedented nuclear proliferation, record deficits, record unemployment, corporate scandals, no-bid military contracts, corrupt energy policy, Christian jihadist mentality, isolationist, alienating the world foreign policy, and past history of drug, alcohol, AWOL, and a criminal record (DWI) to boot.

What do you think will give you the edge over that in 2008? I mean, if the GOP declared martial law and started street executions, it may not even be enough to help you.

The fact is, Kerry was chosen because he was the least offensive to all the liberals. No one on the left (save, perhaps Dr. Dean) had anything personally against Kerry. This faction hated Lieberman, that faction hated Gephardt, this other faction hated Graham, there is one agiainst Clark, everyone hated Kucinich, Sharpton, and Brawn. Its downright silly. So they chose the man with the least level of offense, which translates to the least personality.

Also, the least ability to invoke emotion in people. Put up against a president that has connected with "Americana" with his emotional relationship with them ... uh ...
Now, I know I'm shooting the loser because he lost, but .... We actually knew that no one really supported him (except for a loyal few that believed in him) ... we were actually ... just mostly ... anti-Bush. And ... much like terrorism, anti- anything is not a valid vehicle for success.

Anti- anything is, at best, a vehicle to interrupt the status quo. Which, I believe we did. At least Ashcroft is gone ... replaced by a guy who just wants to use torture, not extrajudicial surveillance. I wonder if Uncle John has a powder room in the DoJ the way J. Edgar did in the FBI ....
Anyhow, if the Bushies are supporting Kerry in 2008, you know ... picking him ... may be ... walking into their trap. Duh.


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