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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Letter to the Networks

From: Brian Gist
Reply-To: Brian Gist
To: alex.wallau@abc.com, randy.falco@nbc.com, ntellem@cbs.com, anne.sweeney@abc.com, leslie.moonves@tvc.cbs.com, jeff.zucker@nbcuni.com, brad.turell@thewb.com
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:17:49 -0600
Subject: Sinclair Broadcasting

I am writing concerning the preemptive broadcast of the politically charged, politically motivated anti-Kerry "news" special on Friday by affiliate stations owned by Sinclair Broadcasting.

I'm sure this isn't the first letter you have received, and it probably won't be the last. I will keep this short and to the point.

I believe Sinclair is acting in an unconscionable way which is
detrimental to America, our freedoms, and our democracy. To preempt network programming with an unpaid propaganda "news" article bashing one candidate, while not accepting offers to pay to provide a counterpoint is not news, nor is it responsible reporting.

Sinclair has acted in a way that is out of step with freedom, and more akin to the type of media we in the West formerly associated with oppressive regimes in the (former) Soviet Union. The decision to not run the Nightline edition (sorry to the CBS, NBC, and WB networks) with a roll call of fallen soldiers is reprehensible. The decision to air a full hour political campaign piece is unconscionable.

I do not know if you, the networks, have any influence over Sinclair's final decision. I hope you do and will use that influence to bring them back into line with their responsibility as a media conglomerate. We, the American people, allowed conglomerates to form because we believed it would produce a free, competitive market for broadcasting. Instead, it has created a monopoly on political influence. Please act to protect the American people, and in so doing protect the respectability of the networks, and the future of media.

Thank you for your time, and your consideration,

Brian Gist


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