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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Iams Reply to Sinclair

From: Customer.Service@Iams.Com
Subject: A Message from Tina @ Iams!
Date: October 19, 2004 4:36:53 PM MDT

Dear Concerned Consumer:

Thanks for contacting us about Sinclair Broadcast Group's plans to air "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal."

We haven't reviewed the content of this program, nor would we advertise in it. One of our guiding principles is that we don't advertise in programs where there is expression for or against a given political candidate.

The way we spend our advertising dollar is important to us. For most TV programming, we're able to review the content on a show by show basis before making any advertising decisions. You may see some of our commercials air on the Sinclair Broadcast Group's network during shows that we've already agreed to appear in. The networks also have control over TV programming and can choose to preempt regularly scheduled programming with different programs, such as this one.

We appreciate your comments and I'm sharing them with those responsible for television sponsorship.

Iams Consumer Care, North America


Blogger obscurity said...

Reply to Iams:


We appreciate the support you show by not advertising during the
program. That is a show of support for what is right.

Unfortunately, the problem is that we, the boycotters, cannot support
any business that supports, at any level, this company that so
throughly and clearly abuses the public trust and the public capital
(airwaves). If Iams decides to continue advertising on any Sinclair
station, after tonight's broadcast, the boycott will effect Iams. The
purpose of advertising is to make your product known and appeal to a
broader consumer base. Continuing advertising with Sinclair will have
just the opposite effect.

While the networks have input over the programming, they do not have
final decision about what a member station will broadcast. That
decision is made by the member station owner, and in this case that is
Sinclair. Sinclair cannot continue on a course of action if it does
not have the revenue stream to continue. If more advertisers pull
their advertising budgets, they will have no choice but to change
their course of action. Unfortunately, that does not mean pulling the
budget for one day, as that has no economic impact on Sinclair. It
has vaguely symbolic impact by suggesting Iams doesn't want to be
involved in this fight. If the situation is more of a legal
obligation, please contact me, or the people at boycottsbg.org, they
have a team of volunteer lawyers waiting to help.

If Iams makes the wrong decision, beginning tonight, my home and all
of my friends homes will discontinue use of Iams products.


Brian Gist

1:17 PM


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