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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Senator Kerry in Albuquerque

Senator Kerry on Stage

Senator Kerry stopped in Albuquerque yesterday to rally supporters. It was his third stop of a very long day beginning in Green Bay with a middle stop in Las Vegas, NV. On stage here is Chester Nez, one of the surviving Navajo Codetalkers from WWII. He blessed Senator Kerry with a traditional blessing, the same way he did the Red Sox at the beginning of the season, and again after game 3 vs. The Yankees.

Governor Richardson noted that the crowd exceeded 18,000. I worked the crowd with the other MoveOn Pac volunteers, signing up volunteers to canvass this weekend.

Kerry gave a rousing speech, discussed some of Bush's miserable failures and spoke some really interesting Spanish with a John Kerry accent. According to the Daily Show report, he also spoke French to Haitians in Florida. Pander. Pander. Hey, whatever works.

The Bush protesters were in force. They ... uh, well. W stands for White. There were approximately 30 Bushies out there and they all were wearing the most adorable t-shirts with a "Heinz" ketchup label, that reads "Kerry Flip Flop Loser" Clever. Very clever. That stunning republican wit. Anyhow, the age in the W crowd ranged from about 15 to 40, with 80% of the people being too young to vote. Hitler Youth anyone? 2 degrees from fascism. One interesting thing is that all of those kids were white. There was only one person of (moderate) color (light brown, perhaps 25% Hispanic) in their crowd. They also were wearing shirts adorning their high school, which is the one known for being the rich, white school. If that is the best they can do is rich, white, teenagers, New Mexico is totally a blue state.

All W's men.  W stands for WhiteCute little riot cop girlLots of Signs


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